As you know, my disdain with the witless bunch of cockwombles that be recruitment agencies knows no limits.
Applied for a job yesterday online and you guessed it through another fucking agency, only to receive a blow out in less than two minutes.
The person from Niyaa People couldn't have read the cover letter let alone my cv before making a decision.
I dropped a somewhat snooty e mail back suggesting that and the fact that I would avoid their outfit at all costs in future.
She didn't like that.
I really do have a message for employers all over the country.
It'll cost you a couple of hundred quid to run an ad in the newspaper where you can stream applicants directly and employ one using your own skill and judgement.
If you use one of these alleged recruitment professionals, you will not get prospective candidates properly streamed, you'll get a bunch of prospects pulled from a badly written and oft badly spelled ad run on several websites via different agencies (as for that, I do wonder if they split the fee). Talking of which, that fee is going to be in excess of fifteen hundred, possibly a couple of grand for something you or your HR department could have done for a fraction of the cost. Good business practice or what ?
Who knows,I may even be one of the applicants. It would be refreshing to read a job description these days that wasn't via an agency.
I've actually got to the interview stage with a job, well sort of. I'm waiting on confirmation from (yes),an agency on whether the company still wants to see me, considering it's a bloody distance to get to and I discovered the working week is Sunday to Thursday with an 8am start.
This I could do on a weekday, but buses and trains don't get up very early on a Sunday and it would not be possible to make 9am let alone 8.
If I do get the interview confirmed, will have to refresh myself on Excel pivot tables and Look ups (whatever those are).
That's the thing about Excel, it's a bit like a car. I can drive a car, I can change a wheel and at a push maybe a fuel pump, but I couldn't calibrate the engine management system or tune a carburetor on an older motor.
Funny, on the subject of badly written job descriptions, I was reading one of those motivational pieces from Monster Jobs yesterday on getting that interview. It read, "get there name" (when referring to the recruiter).
How indeed do you comfort a grammarian or for that matter some fuckwit motivational feature writer at Monster Jobs ? There, their they're...
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