I was up really early and down the polling station to vote by five past seven. they moved the location. It used to be at the school about thirty yards away, but now it's down in a shitty part of the town so I got myself down there before the miscreants got up. Then I walked on to Asda and was delighted to get a couple of bags of Jersey Royals which were reduced from a pound a bag to 70p.
Darlo rang me yesterday to tell me she'd bought some of the more up market Jersey mids which as they've only just come into season are priced at SIX POUNDS A KILO ! Her small stash worked out at a scandalous 11 pence a spud. You can buy salmon cheaper !
Until yesterday, I'd not had any alcohol in over a month. Not through choice, I just haven't the beer tokens. My brother came over and bought me two at lunchtime, then the welder came over in the afternoon.
He brought his laptop for me to do a little job on it and also his new camera which arrived on Tuesday.
When other people show you their new stuff, there's "nice" and there's "Oh Mama" ! His new Fuji S200 EXR is just that. I don't know what EXR stands for, but if you set the camera to it, you don't meed to worry about any setting, it just does everything for you.
This picture for example was done in low light in the pub and I've not tidied it up at all. he camera didn't even employ the flash to take it (or any of the other pictures I did in there).
Won't be winning any competition prizes, but this one of the pub carpet again, didn't use flash and yet shows the (garish) detail.
No doubt about it, it's a very nice camera.
The nutters upstairs have been going for some sort of record this week. They started arguing at 11pm on Tuesday night and were still at it at 4am on Wednesday morning, by which time they were up to throwing stuff at each other.
As this is a regular occurrence it leaves me wondering why they stay together. all they are doing is setting themselves up for a life of misery and creating discord around them with their noise.
Over the weekend, I have to have a serious look at the PC. It keeps going into some sort of trance, where the only thing working is the mouse pointer. If you've programs open, and you click on them on the task bar, nothing happens. You can't open windows, you can't close or minimise them, in the e mail program you can't click on individual e mails. I'm doing all my usual checks and so far I've uncovered nothing untowards. Not in the mood for this kind of shenanigans either.
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